Prepare theyself

So, I think its going to happen. We're going to pack up some stuff and head out of town for a while. Just, really tired of dealing with our psycho neighbor and her endless harassment. Going to make the best of it, though, and see if we can't see a little bit more of the world. 

First stop, the grandparents in Florida. I'm a little nervous about heading South, particularly Florida, as its clearly the COVID capital of the country at this point. But I think our plan is to really just isolate with the grandparents and enjoy the pool while its still hot there. Isn't it always hot there? 

Once we do a shakedown trip to Florida, we're thinking Newport, RI as our next stop - maybe AirBNB for 2-3 weeks, then head home to "refuel", and head out to the next place. Bar Harbor, ME? We'll need to get there before it gets too cold, so end of October/early November at the latest, probably. 

After that? I think we need to stay away from any spots that are going to start getting snowy and crazy, unless winter is what's on the menu. Would like to swing through MPLS, as we've got some friends we would love to see after way too long. Maybe out to Spokane to see Jen and co? Maybe down to Cali once the fires are put out. 

MAYBE THE GRAND CANYON FINALLY? Would likely need to wait till warmer days for that, though. 

School will be the tricky part: of course, Char is doing virtual school and we've withdrawn Cel from her pre-school, but juggling the school and work will be tough. I think we can do it though. Carve out some time between meetings to set up some activities, and spend the evenings as a family learning and scrapbooking our adventure. That's the goal. 

Hopefully we'll have some pictures to share along the way, also. Oh, and can you do this from mobile? That would be ideal. 

So much to learn. So long for now. 


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