T-minus 1 Day

Looks like we'll be heading south tomorrow, although not sure how early. With all of this drama, we'll be returning Fury to her parents tonight. I'll be very sad, but she needs a stable situation where she can be loved, and unfortunately that's not us right now. 

Right how, we're getting a roof rack installed so we can hook up this massive roof cargo box that we found yesterday. The thing is huge. It will definitely come in handy over the next few months. I've been advocating that we need to stay lean with packing and see what the real necessities are, but with this giant carrier, we can take pretty much anything we want minus furniture. 

Today, Cat will be working with the kids on doing a lot of packing while I take a trip with Fury. We used a Google sheet this time for a packing list and tried to divide things up for each kid to be responsible for. We'll see how well that goes 😉.

Tomorrow will be a long day. But it will be good to get away, and to clear our heads, and see some family. 


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